Friday, June 09, 2006

New Movie Friday

It that time again it Friday a lot going on in and around the Detroit area to boot but if you not one of those type that always a good movie's we look what going on in the Movie theater it that time again for New Movie Friday.

and now this greatest film ever made.... For the Montent "Cars" a family comedy about Lightning McQueen, a stock car that breaks down on his way to a major race, and met some more talking cars it had it all with the voice of car by Owen Wilson,Paul Newman,Bonnie Hunt,Cheech Marin,Larry the Cable Guy,Michael Keaton,George Carlin,John Ratzenberger, and a lot of guest spot from Mario Andretti,Dale Earnhardt Jr, and Bob Costas(yes he voice a car too).

Have seen preview of this film all over on TV or the promo tie-in I can clear say that this movie is better than toy story and the the review of three agree.
The Detroit Free Press love this film useding the head lines:'Cars' runs on all cylinders and heart.and adding The first time you see "Cars," though, just sit back and enjoy the ride. It's so easy when you know someone who really knows how to drive, and loves it, is behind the wheel.(four out of Four)

The Detroit News like it as well useding the headline: Carrific, Animated wonder may feel mechanical, but it still earns a victory Lap(B+)

The Yahoo group of reviews gave the avg rating of a B
From Rolling Stone "...Family fun, brimming with surprises too good to spoil in a review." (A-)
and from Seattle Post-Intelligencer "...One of Pixar's most imaginative and thoroughly appealing movies ever."(A)
but some were iffy on the film
E! Online:"Just because it's ostensibly for kids doesn't excuse a screenplay weary with clicheés and a soundtrack dripping with cheese." (C)
New York Times:"..thee film just putt, putt, putts along, a shining model of technological progress and consumer safety." (C-)

Also out this week is Al Gore Come back with thedocumentaryy "An Inconvenient Truth," As he Beats the drum about global warning and an impending ecological disaster, The film have been setting all kind of pre screen recordeverywheree it have playdespitet desprart debunking from he crited and silly acttack From Fox News but ever reviewer love it
Free Press:Gore proves engaging in climate film (3 stars out of four)
Detroitt News:'An Inconvenient Truth' sounds quiet alarm(B+)
Yahoo reviews (B+)
Roger Ebert:"...fascinating and relentless." (A)
Hollywood Reporter:"Al Gore brings his campaign to reverse global warming to the big screen in this vivid and vital activist movie."(A)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:"...a mind-boggling disaster epic..." (A)
E! Online:"Taut, intelligent and blackly humorous, the film is powerful cinematic activism..." (A-)
Entertainment Weekly:"The beauty part is, Gore isn't preaching to the converted. He's reaching out to the skeptics..." (A-)
USA Today:"...illuminating, fascinating and sometimes frightening."(A-)
Boston Globe:"His passion should be contagious..."(B)
Chicago Tribune:"Like most films only more so, this one will be processed differently by different voters."(B-)"...certainly scared the crap out of me."(B-)
New York Times: "I can't think of another movie in which the display of a graph elicited gasps of horror..." (B+)
ReelViews:"...instead of a wake-up call, this film - which is an excellent primer about the situation - turns into a sermon for the choir."(B)
Rolling Stone:"It grabs you like a thriller with an ending that will haunt your dreams."(B)
let say it a good doc flick

Also out today "A Prairie Home Companion," a tale of the backstage drama that goes on during the broadcast of the final episode of the popular radio show. And is partly base on the real life show on NPR Garrison Keillorand direct by Robert Altman it also have Woody Harrelson,Tommy Lee Jones,Kevin Kline, oh yes some cast Lindsay Lohan in the pic
The Review have been mostly good The Free Press like this movie saying Altman plus Keillor equals rich, funny movie (Four Stars out of four)
The News like it as it put it 'Prairie Home' reveres nearly dying art form (B+)
as weel most of the yahoo reviews who gave a avg. of (B+)
and the Minnaposa Star Tribune say A star-spangled cast brings "Prairie Home Companion" from radio to screen in all its modest glory.
and the st paul Pionees Press say in ti 3 and a half star review 'Home' is full of heart
Overall it a good movie,Ii would go see it

Two films opening up and just in time for the world cup "Goal: The Dream Begins," a Mexican American has a shot at a top club in England.
most of the review did not like this film
Free Press:2 stars, News: , Yahoo avg C+
"The Lost City," Andy Garcia is the oldest of three brothers, who each react very differently to the impending revolution in Cuba. Rated R.
it the 1st real sinker of the movie post
News:D+, Free Press:2star, Yahoo reviews avg a C+ with two D ouch

And dont for get the movie that open that open on a tuesday The remake of the classic 1976 film The Omen because it opend on 6-6-06 and made 12 millions on tuesday but the review know this was the devie work with there bad review the free Press call it Faithful for a devil movie (two stars), the News some what like it giving a B+ saying 'The Omen' remake will delightfully poison minds of younger generations but the review got away from this film a fast they can with the yahoo reviewer avg a C Some like it
New York Post:"...director John Moore has added some creepy visuals and assembled an unusually strong cast for a horror flick." (B)
but other did not like it
Rolling Stone:"Not since Gus Van Sant inexplicably directed a shot-by-shot remake of Hitchcock's Psycho has a thriller been copied with so little point or impact." (D)
Boston Globe:"The first one was chilling. This remake is an icy bore."(D)

this week at the one and only Movietheaterr of the Dame (AKA Cinemark Movies 16 in Warren,MI)these movie are new at thetheaterr this week:
(It a good filck for kids)
(Nerve hear of it)
(this is for any one who like Kiefer Sutherland or Eva Longoria
you can click on the movie for more info

And Before it wrap it up for today just to let you know about the Planet ant film festival happing Next week in hamtramck it a celebration of independent movies and the people who make them, featuring comedies, dramas, documentaries, animations, and music videos from Detroit and around the world.

It will happend on June 14th to the 17th over three veneu inDetroitt

Wednesday, June 14 10:30pm
Opening Night Party at The Belmont

Thursday, June 15th
Screening at the platnet ant

Friday, June 16th
Screening at the The Detroit Film Center
at 1227 Washington Blvd. in Downtown Detroit

Saturday, June 17 8:00pm
Awards Ceremony
and Afterglow with The band Infinite Number of Sounds play a live music/multimedia set

For More Info on this film Festiavl including the full scheclue please contact the planet ant at there websight at or there Myspace page at

Next week new films will be
Nacho Libre - Jack Black cook by day, Wrestling by Night in this comedy from the writer of school of rock

The Lake House - Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves star in speed meet the twilight Zone

Wah-Wah - it a melow drama set in the 60s

The Fast and the Furlous: Toyko Drift - that mean more cars chases

And Garfield's a tale of two kittles - think of it as The parents trap with cats but without linsey lohan.

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