Tuesday, November 04, 2008

for live play-by- play of the day

10:30 AM Report

it look like it going to a long day to vote in a historic election day
there have been long lines in the polling booth even there long lines
in the Detroit metro area some stech two or three blocks.

the dem ticket have votes already with Berack Omaba voted in Chicago
and his running mate Joe Bedin voted in his home state of Delaware

the GOP ticket will vote later with John McCain in his home state in Arizona
and sara Palin in AK.

but the vote is already over in two small towns in New Hamshire
at midnight reserher votes in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location
Whose population is under 150 voted and after 55 votes
Omaba won both town by the total of 32 to 16
but that one town wait untill 6 PM that real fun begin

Just remember polls in michigan close at 8 PM EST
if you are reading this blog from outside michigan
check when your polls close
if you are still in line just before 8 PM you can still voted

and if you have a full local news station they may be doing a
live webcast please check you time

in Detroit, there is two
WDIV Web Cast will go untill 9 PM
http://www.clickondetroit.com/ just a reminder you
have to click on the button every 10 min.
and WXYZ have a Webcast running all day

More later just before 1 PM.

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