Friday, June 27, 2008

The Culture City Blog Site HQ got sock again

tell me if you have heard this before

for the third time in almost the last two years my basement got flood aging.

at around 3:30 PM i was doing the film guide Friday until a little water got in to the Office, thank god i have a water pump near by and it was running all the time with a few stop in between and worst i lock myself out of the office and double worst i left the TV and the computer on so that not good.

so there will be a lot of cleaning up the whole weekend so i will try to put this week "Film Guide Friday" out but because the long clean up i will not be posting the end of the culture city feature 50 until two week from now.

Remember Next week i reporting on City Fest at the new center area

Don't worried i am OK

But tell you the thuth 3 flood in the last two years i don't know how long i am doing my site from the basement HQ

This is too much.



Anonymous said...

now I stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

а все таки: спасибо. а82ч