Monday, July 17, 2006

It Came from the Late Night Music Club From Culture City

And Now it going to be two weeks left for tops of the pops

Next weeks show and it last ever program on july 30th

And in news that will make the us hard core fans happy to know for the final ever show on that day it would be only fitting that the man who interduce the first Tops of the pops would host the last tops of the pops as sir Jimmy Savile will host the last ever show on July the 30th and there is nothing left only this week show as once aging Lilly anlle Smile who was My NME single of the week two weeks ago was No.1 aging, and i am hoping it no.1 intwo weeks time to be the last song on Tops of the pops.

but before that happend i tried you tube to see it any clip or this week show have made in to you tube sorry to say it have not but one of this weeks Bands was "Red Hot Chili Peppers" have apper on TOTP countless numbers of time so tonight or this morning clip is on of there best song "Under The Bridge"


Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.