Friday, October 03, 2008

Late to the Gig Gudie

Now i got a E-mail twice from the Lansing area ambient shoe gazing band
"Fields of Industry" and they ask me to let you know there are playing
a show tonight at the The Corktown Tavern in SW Detroit [1716 Michigan Ave.
b/w Trumbull St. & Rosa Parks Blvd., just near by what ever left of Old Tigers Stadiums]

there are part of a Hugh show of indie Noise Rocks tonight

playing this gig will be

Modernlull []
Brooklyn, NY slow/dynamite []
The Formention Fields of Industry []
and the Headlines Indian Guides []

the Cover is small it only $5 bucks
and the Doors Opening at 9 P.M.

the bands also send my some links which included a video
from from there New Album Two Dogs, A Television
called Point of Contention

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